WARNING: this post is photo-intensive :)
Our day started early in Changi Airport for breakfast
It's hot, hot, hot and friggin' hot in BKK.. plus the 70143750197493 people crowding at night markets and weekend markets, this trip really wears tolerance to the very thinnest. well, amidst the unbearable heat and disastrous crowd, Bangkok is still shopping havan :) you never know how much more you can get there as compared to shoppig in SG with the same amount of funds.
Tuk tuk and traffic in Bangkok
Food was delicious! Had thai cuisine there (Tom Yum Goong, phat thai, mango salad, green curry, sticky rice...), jap too and fast food! haha.. Not your normal McDonalds ok! it's the one most of us has only vague childhood memory of- A&W!!! YES YES YES! curly fries and root beer float! simply amazing :D
And there was massage!! HAHAHA! The first massage place really freaked us out at the beginning! thanks to the sleazy-looking setting, communication breakdown (the girls couldn't speak English and we can't do thai) and freaky red lights outside the different rooms(which van keep saying resembles RED-LIGHT district), we were all ready to run off when we reached the rooms. Haha... but we somehow didn't,and it's actually ok one larh! :P we scared ourselves i think..
Just when you thought that our trip was all shopping and no sight-seeing crap, YOU ARE WRONG! haha.. actually it's not exactly sight-seeing though, but we went to the museum! :) now now, don't we sound like some sophiscated bunch of non-bimbotic tourists? hehe... and it's not just any museum ok! of cos we went to the most challenging one...
Our museum visit lasted 45min.
And of cos we did vain stuff! eyelash extensions and van did mani-pedi plis nail art too! loves.
nails and eyelashes! :)
van+ chanel+ leng= silly-ness to the max
haha.. we had the craziest idea of just soaking legs tgt in the bathtub on the last night and we took silly photos, played bubbles-collecting competition (it looks even stupider then it sounds ok!) and just simply went crazy.
bubbles time! :P
omg. i love this entry of yours. so comprehensive. though there was sooooo much more to write,
haha! i can't possibly write everything down.. haha.. too many silly stuff we did! too unglam liao..