Thursday, January 1, 2009

10 big things about me

Here are the rules:
Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts, or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them to be tagged.

Don’t forget to leave them a comment “You’re It!” and to read your blog. You can’t tag the person who tagged you. Since you can’t tag me back let me know when you’ve posted your blog so I can see your answers.

10 Things You Might Not Know About Me

1. I've got sensitive scalp, sensitive to certain contact lens solution, sensitive tooth,and i'm
sensitive (allergic) to crabs and prawns!

2. I was really really tanned last time due to constant sun exposure in netball. I was freakin' 3
tone darker! really! I know it's shocking but i was really sporty last time.. now, sports? hardly.

3. i hate metallic-colored nail polish! On my own nails only cos i've seen them really pretty on
other people.

4. The thing i comment most about strangers on the streets is their hair! (be it praises or
criticism) Esp so for perms and hair extensions..

Oh! did i tell you bout the cashier at AMK popular with really obvious hair extensions?! her
actual hair is chin-length and full of white hair but hair from shoulder down is white-hair-free.
Haha. Deirdre also agreed that she should have gotten a few more bunch of hair so it wouldnt
be so obvious. :X

5. I seriouly think that i criticize too much on stranger's hair :X Chanel warned me not to do
anything to my hair... cos what goes around comes around. karma bites.

6. My virgin flight was to Bangkok.. and so was my second.. and soon my third will be too... to
simplify, that's the only country i flew to. haha.

7. I was told by many people that i look like i chiong alot.. and i always ask them why. The most
recent and 'huh?' answer was that my hair made me look like i club alot. HAIR?!??!? WHAT??

8. I saw a notice at the lift landing of my block recently that my building is the hotspot of dengue
cases. 31 cases as of yesterday! hope i don't get bitten.

9. I'll never name my child Valerie or Jenny. Haha. DOPT ppl would know what i'm referring to
basically these are names of my paedeatric patients in clinic awhile back and they are EVIL!

10. Vanessa Faith Tan Ee Gin sets the record as my longest BFF! 7years! No. 1 bestfriend for
7years! Yay! And though we are very different, we cliqued vvv well! :) Love you bestfriend!

The ten people to be tagged (i shall go with 5):
- Deirdre
- Sheryl
- Adora
- Qinghui
- Hao jin

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